Database Explorations: PostgreSQL and MongoDB

Dan Gray



Document (“NoSQL”) and relational (“SQL”) data-management systems are designed for two largely different scopes of work.

Document-based databases are built for flexibility, availability and bringing together ad-hoc data into a searchable environment.

Relational databases are implemented by stipulating the schema prior to data ingestion. They offer optimised querying on expensive hardware and are important mechanisms to establish a ‘universal truth’ within a business environment.

Here I compare the querying capabilities of these paradigms using two popular tools. This comparative analysis references the perspective of a BI-analyst i.e. ease of use, completeness, logic etc.

R is used as the core client: the packages mongolite and RPostgres are used as interfaces to call MongoDB and PostgreSQL 11 respectively.


The nycflights2013 flights database is used for this exploration. It contains data of all flights departing from New York City in 2013 - including carrier, departure, delay and flight information.


First we establish the connections to each data-store.

# create new collection in MongoDB
con_mongo <- mongo(collection="delays",db="flights")

# connect to existing Postgre database
con_postgre <- dbConnect(RPostgres::Postgres(),dbname="postgres",

Followed by an import of the data where needed - in this case into MongoDB.

# import bson file into MongoDB
## [1] 336776
# list all tables available in Postgre database
## [1] "cities"          "countries"       "flights"         "nfa"            
## [5] "student_records" "weather"

Some Basic Queries

# inspecting the collection contents
mongo_head <- con_mongo$find('{}',limit=5)
##   year month day dep_time dep_delay arr_time arr_delay carrier tailnum
## 1 2013     1   1      517         2      830        11      UA  N14228
## 2 2013     1   1      533         4      850        20      UA  N24211
## 3 2013     1   1      542         2      923        33      AA  N619AA
## 4 2013     1   1      544        -1     1004       -18      B6  N804JB
## 5 2013     1   1      554        -6      812       -25      DL  N668DN
##   flight origin dest air_time distance hour minute
## 1   1545    EWR  IAH      227     1400    5     17
## 2   1714    LGA  IAH      227     1416    5     33
## 3   1141    JFK  MIA      160     1089    5     42
## 4    725    JFK  BQN      183     1576    5     44
## 5    461    LGA  ATL      116      762    5     54
# inspecting using postgreSQL syntax 
postgre_head <- dbSendQuery(con_postgre, "SELECT * 
                     FROM flights LIMIT 5;

Specifying and filtering down to specific fields:values / rows.

# retrieving a basic 'subset' using MongoDB
mongo_sub <- con_mongo$find('{"carrier" : "UA", "month" : 1, "day" : 1, "origin" : "JFK"}')
##    year month day dep_time dep_delay arr_time arr_delay carrier tailnum
## 1  2013     1   1      558        -2      924         7      UA  N29129
## 2  2013     1   1      611        11      945        14      UA  N532UA
## 3  2013     1   1      803         3     1132       -12      UA  N510UA
## 4  2013     1   1      829        -1     1152        -8      UA  N554UA
## 5  2013     1   1     1112        12     1440         2      UA  N517UA
## 6  2013     1   1     1127        -3     1504        16      UA  N518UA
## 7  2013     1   1     1422        -3     1748       -11      UA  N502UA
## 8  2013     1   1     1522        -8     1858         3      UA  N512UA
## 9  2013     1   1     1726        -3     2042       -18      UA  N557UA
## 10 2013     1   1     1750         0     2109        -6      UA  N525UA
## 11 2013     1   1     1840        -5     2223        -3      UA  N508UA
##    flight origin dest air_time distance hour minute
## 1     194    JFK  LAX      345     2475    5     58
## 2     303    JFK  SFO      366     2586    6     11
## 3     223    JFK  SFO      369     2586    8      3
## 4     443    JFK  LAX      360     2475    8     29
## 5     285    JFK  SFO      364     2586   11     12
## 6     703    JFK  LAX      357     2475   11     27
## 7     257    JFK  SFO      362     2586   14     22
## 8     530    JFK  LAX      356     2475   15     22
## 9     512    JFK  SFO      347     2586   17     26
## 10    535    JFK  LAX      345     2475   17     50
## 11    389    JFK  SFO      357     2586   18     40
# retrieving a subset using Postrgre
postgre_sub <- dbSendQuery(con_postgre, "SELECT *
                    FROM FLIGHTS
                    WHERE  CARRIER = 'UA' AND
                    MONTH_ = 1 AND
                    DAY_ = 1 AND
                    ORIGIN = 'JFK';

Custom Queries

Using mongolite one can specific a more complex query, by using the following arguments:

# specifying which columns to return with sort, fields and limit
mongo_custom <- con_mongo$find('{"carrier" : "DL", "month" : 12, "day" : 24}',
                       sort = '{"dep_delay" : -1}',
                       fields = '{"tailnum" : true, "flight" : true, 
                       "origin" : true, "dest" : true, "dep_delay" : true}',
                       limit = 10)

##                         _id dep_delay tailnum flight origin dest
## 1  5c921ec275741c1cb41d279a       142  N976DL   2113    LGA  TPA
## 2  5c921ec275741c1cb41d28ff       135  N976DL   1935    LGA  TPA
## 3  5c921ec275741c1cb41d27e8        66  N3737C    457    JFK  SLC
## 4  5c921ec275741c1cb41d27f9        45  N994AT   1567    EWR  ATL
## 5  5c921ec275741c1cb41d27f5        42  N900DE   2552    LGA  SRQ
## 6  5c921ec275741c1cb41d274a        37  N319NB   2119    LGA  MSP
## 7  5c921ec275741c1cb41d28be        37  N950DL    456    JFK  DTW
## 8  5c921ec275741c1cb41d289f        29  N187DN    417    JFK  LAX
## 9  5c921ec275741c1cb41d2730        25  N969DL   2442    JFK  FLL
## 10 5c921ec275741c1cb41d288b        20  N376DA   2043    JFK  SJU
# specifying columns to return using WHERE, ORDER BY and LIMIT
postgre_custom <- dbSendQuery(con_postgre,"SELECT
                              tailnum, flight, origin, dest, dep_delay
                              FROM flights
                              WHERE carrier = 'DL' AND
                              month_ = 12 AND
                              day_ = 24
                              ORDER BY dep_delay DESC
                              LIMIT 10;

Optimizing Query Performance

To speed up MongoDB queries one can add a set of indices on a particular field(s), which will be queried often. This is particular recommended for large and complex stores.

We can use the microbenchmark package to compare the efficiency improvements across the various implementations.


mon_no_ind <- microbenchmark("Mongo_No_Index" = {
  con_mongo$find('{}', sort = '{"dep_delay" : -1 }',

The indexed fields are created using $index and add.

con_mongo$index(add = '{"dep_delay" : -1}')
##   v key._id key.dep_delay         name             ns
## 1 2       1            NA         _id_ flights.delays
## 2 2      NA            -1 dep_delay_-1 flights.delays
mon_ind <- microbenchmark("Mongo_Index" = {
  con_mongo$find('{}', sort = '{"dep_delay" : -1 }',

# remove indexing on field
con_mongo$index(remove = "dep_delay_-1")
##   v _id name             ns
## 1 2   1 _id_ flights.delays

Using ggplot2 we can autoplot the combined results. Indexing brings a 3X speed increase for this particular query.


The same approach can be used in PostgreSQL tables using INDEXES.

# querying without an index
pos_no_ind <- microbenchmark("Postgre_No_Index" = {
  postgre_no_index_find <- dbSendQuery(con_postgre, " SELECT *
                                  FROM flights
                                  ORDER BY dep_delay
                                  LIMIT 50000

One uses the CREATE INDEX command to add an index ON a given column within a table.

# querying with an index
postgre_index <- dbSendQuery(con_postgre,"CREATE INDEX
                              dep_index ON flights (dep_delay)

pos_ind <- microbenchmark("Postgre_Index" = {
  postgre_index_find <- dbSendQuery(con_postgre, " SELECT *
                                  FROM flights
                                  ORDER BY dep_delay
                                  LIMIT 50000

# drop the index created
postgre_drop_index <- dbSendQuery(con_postgre,"DROP INDEX

Indexing in this case brings again an ~3X speed increase. Its also worth noting PostgreSQL performs about 3X faster on these set of queries than MongoDB. I can imagine using more complex queries will even out the performance discrepancy.


To clean up the MongoDB environment we can drop associated collections using the $drop command.

In an upcoming post I will look at the great aggregation and graph-lookup features MongoDB offers.

# drop a given collection

# count collections
## [1] 0
# retrieve information about the connection
## List of 4
##  $ collection: chr "delays"
##  $ db        : NULL
##  $ stats     : NULL
##  $ server    :List of 28
##   ..$ host                     : chr "DESKTOP-55H3A25"
##   ..$ version                  : chr "4.0.11"
##   ..$ process                  : chr "C:\\Program Files\\MongoDB\\Server\\4.0\\bin\\mongod.exe"
##   ..$ pid                      : num 5904
##   ..$ uptime                   : num 344199
##   ..$ uptimeMillis             : num 3.44e+08
##   ..$ uptimeEstimate           : num 344198
##   ..$ localTime                : POSIXct[1:1], format: "2019-08-23 21:41:40"
##   ..$ asserts                  :List of 5
##   ..$ connections              :List of 4
##   ..$ encryptionAtRest         :List of 1
##   ..$ extra_info               :List of 6
##   ..$ globalLock               :List of 3
##   ..$ locks                    :List of 3
##   ..$ logicalSessionRecordCache:List of 11
##   ..$ network                  :List of 7
##   ..$ opLatencies              :List of 4
##   ..$ opReadConcernCounters    :List of 6
##   ..$ opcounters               :List of 6
##   ..$ opcountersRepl           :List of 6
##   ..$ storageEngine            :List of 5
##   ..$ tcmalloc                 :List of 2
##   ..$ transactions             :List of 9
##   ..$ transportSecurity        :List of 5
##   ..$ wiredTiger               :List of 18
##   ..$ mem                      :List of 6
##   ..$ metrics                  :List of 11
##   ..$ ok                       : num 1