Wealth Inequality Can Arise Through Chance Alone: Part 2

Dan Gray



In a previous exercise I examined how well simple “chance-based” games represent the creation of wealth disparity.

Here I continue on this exercise by using a so-called Kinetic-Exchange model to approximate exchange in an economic system.

The Model Description

The model consists of:

This procedure continues until the selected interaction-period is complete.


My implementation consists of:

  1. a model function (captures the exchange mechanism),

  2. a stepper function which;

  1. A replication mechanism using the function replicate

One fundamental approach struck me as being relevant for this (and other) simulation schemes.

As the interaction scheme is driven by random processes each run will return unique paths of interaction

To understand the bounds of the interactions, and the parameters that drive them I needed to be able to repeat (replicate) simulations with given parameter sets.

R provides such a mechanism, or rather the wrapper for this with the replicate function. Simply wrap your code in a function, and pass this function to replicate with the given number of repeats.1

Simulation Runs: No Taxation vs. Wealth Redistribution Schemes

Here is the kinetic-exchange function:


# create energy-simulation function
energies <- function(x){
  Wpos <- sample(x[,1],1)
  Lpos <- sample(x[,1],1)
  transfer <- runif(n = 1,min=0,max=mean(x[,2]))
  if (x[Lpos,2] > transfer) {
    x[Wpos,2] <- x[Wpos,2]+transfer
    x[Lpos,2] <- x[Lpos,2]-transfer
    x[Wpos,3] <- x[Wpos,3]+1
    x[Lpos,3] <- x[Lpos,3]+1

  } else {
    x[Wpos,2] <-x[Wpos,2]
    x[Lpos,2] <-x[Lpos,2]
    x[Wpos,3] <- x[Wpos,3]+1
    x[Lpos,3] <- x[Lpos,3]+1
  vals <- x[,1:3]


The stepper function creates the initial data-set using given arguments from the function call itself.

If a wealth redistribution scheme is applied (where rate !=0), then an interval is constructed over which all agents will be taxed at fixed rate, wF. The sum of all taxes will then be evenly redistributed over all agents (reducing the inequality gap).

A logbook of exchanges is prepared (transactions) which captures the values of all players for every iteration (a matrix of size nsteps * agents).

A stream of the total taxed amount, and individual returns is optionally outputted to the terminal.

Within the loop itself the transactions are recorded, and a diagnostic measure of wealth inequality comparing the “Top 1% of earners” and the “Bottom 50%” is computed and returned as the default object of the function

# create stepper function
stepper <- function(nsteps=10000,agents=200,rate=0.1,wF=0.025) {
  # build intial game
  dat <- matrix(c(1:agents,rep(100,agents),
  # define redistribution rates/intervals
  rDis <- round(nsteps*rate,-1)
  # setup for NULL taxation
  if (rDis==0){
    rInt <-seq(1,nsteps,nsteps)
    wF <- 0
  } else {
    rInt <- seq(rDis,nsteps,rDis)

  # define ranking system
  rank_01 <- agents/100
  rank_50 <- agents - (agents/2)+1
  # prepare logbook of transactions
  transactions <- matrix(ncol=nsteps,nrow=agents)
  # prepare diagnostics 
  diagnostics <- matrix(ncol=4,nrow=nsteps)
  for (i in seq_len(nsteps)){
    if (i %in% rInt) {
      dat <- energies(dat)
      # Redistribution  Scheme
      totTaxes <-sum(dat[,2]*wF)
      indSplits <- totTaxes/agents
      #print(paste0(totTaxes,": All"))
      #print(paste0(indSplits,": Split"))
      dat[,2] <- dat[,2]+indSplits
      # extract transaction and counter
      trn <-dat[,2] 
      cnt <-dat[,3] 
      # sorting of results for diagnostics
      sorts <- dat[order(dat[,2],decreasing=TRUE),]
      pos01_unit <- sorts[1,1]
      pos01_val <- sorts[1,2]
      pos50_val <-sum(sorts[rank_50:agents,2])
      diagnostics[i,1] <-pos01_unit
      diagnostics[i,2] <-pos01_val
      diagnostics[i,3] <-pos50_val
      diagnostics[i,4] <-round((pos01_val/pos50_val)*100,1)
      # pass per-round balances to logbook
    } else {
      # pass function results back to DF
      dat <-energies(dat)
      # extract transaction and counter
      trn <-dat[,2] 
      cnt <-dat[,3] 
      # sorting of results for diagnostics
      sorts <- dat[order(dat[,2],decreasing=TRUE),]
      pos01_unit <- sorts[1,1]
      pos01_val <- sorts[1,2]
      pos50_val <-sum(sorts[rank_50:agents,2])
      diagnostics[i,1] <-pos01_unit
      diagnostics[i,2] <-pos01_val
      diagnostics[i,3] <-pos50_val
      diagnostics[i,4] <-round((pos01_val/pos50_val)*100,1)
      # pass per-round balances to logbook
  # return data
  # completeRecord <-rbind(transactions,t(diagnostics))
  # return(completeRecord)
  # case for overall wealth-split trajectories

Simulation Studies

A simple single case run can be setup very easily [in this case with no wealth adjustment).

# save to object
output<-stepper(nsteps = 10000,agents = 200,rate = 0)
     main="Total Wealth of Top 1% Total versus the Bottom 50%",
     ylab="Wealth Disparity (%)",
     xlab="Interactions (n)")

A multi-run case is setup as so:

# repeating N times (100 is ~30mB)
reps <- 50

# get "average outcome"
avgOutcomes <-rowMeans(walks,dims=2)
     main="Total Wealth of Top 1% Total versus the Bottom 50%",
     ylab="Wealth Disparity (%)",
     xlab="Interactions (n)")

The above plot shows the mean trajectories of 50 simulations. Notice how the inequality gap is capped and readjusted via a “zigzag-pattern” when a wealth-redistribution scheme is applied.

  1. replicate is a wrapper to the regular use of sapply for repeated evaluation of an expression (which will usually involve random number generation).