LINQ: Method Syntax and Lambda Operators

Dan Gray



LINQ is a modern query language which presents a simple, yet powerful way to query data-collections in a variety of sources. It offers a consistent model for working with data from a variety of sources (XML documents, SQL databases, ADO.NET databases, .NET collections etc.)

As an alternative to the “standard” query syntax, LINQ can also be used with a method based syntax and complementary lambda operators - shortening query length and offering a concise expression form.


LINQ presents an opportunity to manipulate data from within a .NET based environment - raising the bar for software-based data-manipulation and querying. In addition it reinforces learning-concepts and interaction modalities within the C# language.

Quick Comparison: Query vs. Method

A quick comparison of both syntax types - finding odd numbers in an array.

In both cases n acts as the range (parameter).

To the right side of the () the method declaration acts as the in-place function.

// 1.

      int[] numbers = { 5, 6, 3, 2, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 4, 234, 54, 14, 653, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 };

        var oddQuery = from n in numbers
               where n % 2 == 1
               select n;
        Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", oddQuery));
        5, 3, 1, 5, 7, 653, 3, 5, 7
        var oddSyntax = numbers.Where(n => (n % 2 ==1))
        Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", oddSyntax));
        5, 3, 1, 5, 7, 653, 3, 5, 7

Combination of Where and Select

The Where and Select methods are demonstrated below.

// 2.

 List<Warrior> warriors = new List<Warrior>()
                new Warrior() {Height = 180},
                new Warrior() {Height = 190},
                new Warrior() {Height = 160},
                new Warrior() {Height = 140},
                new Warrior() {Height = 185},
                new Warrior() {Height = 170},

 private internal Warrior
  int Height {get; set;} 
      var shortWarriors = Warriors.Where(wh => (wh.Height <= 150))
                                  .Select(wh => wh.Height);
        Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ",shortWarriors));

Grouping and MultKey Grouping

Grouping is easily implemented. Using the same list of people as in previous examples.

// 3.

        var simpleGrouping = people.GroupBy(p => p.Gender)
        foreach(var item in simpleGrouping)
          foreach(var p in item)
            Console.WriteLine($"    Name: {p.Name}, Age: {p.Age}"); 
          Name: Tod, Age: 25
          Name: John, Age: 25
          Name: Kyle, Age: 21
          Name: Neil, Age: 35
          Name: Paul, Age: 36
          Name: Anna, Age: 23
          Name: Anna, Age: 32
          Name: Maria, Age: 23
          Name: Joan, Age: 28
          Name: Stacey, Age: 23

Grouping with multiple keys is just as digestible.

// 4.

      var multiKeyGrouping = people.GroupBy(p => new {p.Gender}, {p.Age})
      foreach(var item in multiKeyGrouping)
        Console.WriteLine($"{item.Key.Gender}, {item.Key.Age}");
        foreaach(var p in item)
          ConsoleWriteLine($"{p.FirstName}, {p.Height}");

      Male, 25
      Name: Tod, Height: 180
      Name: John, Height: 170
      Female, 23
      Name: Anna, Height: 150
      Name: Maria, Height: 160
      Name: Stacey, Height: 170
      Male, 21
      Name: Kyle, Height: 164
      Female, 32
      Name: Anna, Height: 164
      Female, 28
      Name: Joan, Height: 167
      Male, 35
      Name: Neil, Height: 195
      Male, 36
      Name: Paul, Height: 190

Ordering can be further chained onto the query (in the example below, ordering the results by the membership count per group in ascending order).

// 5.

      var orderedMultiKeyGrouping = people.GroupBy(p => new {p.Gender, p.Age}).OrderBy(p => p.Count())


Grouping by Custom Keys

Custom Keys can be defined by using the ternary operator within the query.

// 5.

        var cusEvenOdd = numbers.OrderBy(n => n)
                                .GroupBy(n => (n % 2 == 0) ? "Even" : "Odd")
                                .OrderBy(n => n.Count());
        foreach(var item in cusEvenOdd)
            foreach(var n in item)

The conditions and ternary operators can be arranged within a Anonymous Method for readability.

// 6.

      var cusAgeGroups = people.GroupBy(p=>
              var young = p.Age < 25;
              var adult = p.Age > 30;
              var age = young ? "Young" : adult ? "Adult" : Senior;
              return age;
      foreach(var item in cusAgeGroups)
        Console.WriteLine($"    {item.Key}");
        foreach(var p in item)
          Console.WriteLine($"{p.FirstName}, {p.Age}");
      Tod, 25
      John, 25
      Joan, 28
      Anna, 23
      Kyle, 21
      Maria, 23
      Stacey, 23
      Anna, 32
      Neil, 35
      Paul, 36

Selections of Group Membership

Occasionally its very useful to just retrieve membership-counts of the various groups.

// 7.

    var howManyInGroup = people.GroupBy(p => p.Gender)
          .Select (g => new
                      Gender = g.Key,
                      NumOfPeople = g.Count()
          foreach( var item in howManyInGroup)

Inner Joins

It helps to be familiar with the Query Syntax approach before starting here - but in VSCode/2019 you also get Intelli-Sense to determine the method arguments.

// 8.

      var innerJoinMS = suppliers.Join(buyers, s => s.District, b => b.District,
            (s, b)=> new
              SupplierName = s.Name,
              BuyerName = b.Name,
              District = s.District
      foreach(var item in innerJoinMS)
          Console.WriteLine($"District: {item.District}, Supplier Name: {item.Supplier}, Buyer Name: {item.BuyerName}");
    District: Point Break, Supplier Name: Andy, Buyer Name: John
    District: West Side, Supplier Name: Tod, Buyer Name: Paul
    District: West Side, Supplier Name: Tod, Buyer Name: Angie
    District: West Side, Supplier Name: Ian, Buyer Name: Paul
    District: West Side, Supplier Name: Ian, Buyer Name: Angie
    District: South, Supplier Name: Anna, Buyer Name: Joan
    District: South, Supplier Name: Anna, Buyer Name: George
    District: Central, Supplier Name: Jerry, Buyer Name: Flo
    District: Central, Supplier Name: Jerry, Buyer Name: Mary
    District: Central, Supplier Name: Paul, Buyer Name: Flo
    District: Central, Supplier Name: Paul, Buyer Name: Mary

Composite Join

Composite Joins just matches across >=2 keys between the two collections.

The keys must be stored in their own Anonymous objects (in in a comparable way to the Query approach).

// 9.

    var compositeJoinMS = suppliers.Join(buyers,
            s=> new {s.District, s.Age},
            b => new{b.Disrict, s.Age},
            (s, b) => new
              SupplierName = s.Name,
              BuyerName = b.Name,
              District = s.District,
              Age = s.Age
    foreach(var item in compositeJoinMS)
        Console.WriteLine($"{item.District}, {item.Age}");
        Console.WriteLine($"   Supplier: {item.SupplierName}");
        Console.WriteLine($"   Buyer: {item.BuyerName}");
    Point Break, 25
        Supplier: Andy
        Buyer: John
    West Side, 35
        Supplier: Tod
        Buyer: Paul
    South, 30
        Supplier: Anna
        Buyer: Joan
    Central, 28
        Supplier: Jerry
        Buyer: Mary